Project: Integrated Capitals Protocol - Technical Support
Client: Capitals Coalition
Sustain Value has been a long-term partner of the Capitals Coalition. James Spurgeon sits on the Capitals Coalition Advisory Panel, was a lead author of the Natural Capital Protocol and was also a technical advisor and author for the Natural Capital Protocol’s Finance Sector Supplement.
Sustain Value is currently lead technical advisor of the forthcoming Integrated Capitals Protocol, a guidance framework for organisations to assess their impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities on natural, social, human and produced capital through a systems-thinking lens. This involves going further than ‘multi-capitals’ assessments by focusing on how impacts and dependencies across the four capitals interconnect, such as through feedback loops.
As a contributing author, Sustain Value is working closely with the Coalition to write up the Protocol. We have investigated various systems thinking approaches and determined how to define and measure the components that make up ‘produced’ capital (i.e. financial, manufactured, and intellectual capitals). We are currently helping to outline the core requirements of integrated capitals decision making.